Who am I and why did I decide to start a blog about Michael Biehn?

The short answer...
I'm often socially awkward and sometimes moody. I swear too much and once had a dream to make movies but failed miserably and ended up working in a cinema instead! I'm a long time Michael Biehn fangirl and believe he's one of the most seriously underappreciated actors in Hollywood.
The long answer...
2020 was a real kick in the teeth for just about everyone and here in the UK as we experienced a series of 'lockdowns' which essentially meant the country ground to a halt. No shops, no bars, no restaurants, no fun. This extra time to overthink everything played havoc with my mental health and I quickly decided I needed something to keep me occupied.
I became nostalgic for my teenage years when all I had to worry about was who I could convince to go into the local supermarket on a Friday night and grab a bottle of the cheapest wine or cider on offer so I could get drunk and then inevitably sick with my friends.
There was also one other thing that dominated those years… my first real crush: Michael Biehn.
I, like so many other young girls discovered Michael when I watched The Terminator for the first time and fell immediately in love with Kyle Reese. That sex scene may look like an 80s cheese-fest now, but to young me, it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen!
After that, I would search for as many of Michael's movies on VHS and would watch The Terminator over and over to the point I can pretty much still recite the entire script. I also decided I was going to educate the world about my discovery. Of course, I didn't need to do that, Michael was doing just fine without a teenager from England telling a bunch of other teenagers about this hot dude in movies, but at least I thought I was doing my bit.
As I watched more of his work, I realised he wasn't just aesthetically pleasing but also a fantastic actor. Pre-Internet, it was hard to find out too much about him, but I liked how he was kinda low key in the press, almost laconic (and I mean that nicely). He wasn't Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah's couch and grabbing mobile phones at movie premieres like some messiah.
I'm older and wiser now and I think I've finally realised the marriage and happily ever after isn't going to happen, but I've always continued to follow his career eagerly and I'm still waiting for that James Cameron reunion.
Sadly I've never met Michael. I know he does a lot of conventions around the world with his beautiful wife Jennifer, but I know I wouldn't be satisfied with a minute of small talk and a photo; I'd be wanting to hear EVERY. SINGLE. STORY. I'm not sure how well that would go down and to be honest, I'd rather not terrify my hero!
So back to this 'project'. I've seen a large amount of his work, particularly from the 1980s and 1990s but some of these movies I've not watched for a very long time, so I'm looking forward to diving back in. There are also some movies from more recent times that I've not seen at all. To be honest, I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to The Scorpion King 4 but hey, we've all had to make sacrifices during these trying times, right?!
I'm not planning to do this in any chronological order and I'll leave some of the more obvious stuff until later because there's already a ton of better written reviews out there.
If I don't like a movie, I will be honest but please know I am always fully aware that all those involved in making the movie from the craft services to the director, are far more talented than I ever was at creating anything. It's a simply a case that the movie was not for me.
Please feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from you, even if it's just to tell me your favourite Michael movie. Oh and if you are Michael Biehn... Call me…